Welcome to the thrilling world of ExamShare, an open source project for sharing past examination questions in higher education. Conquer those exams and help others do the same!

A girl holding a book in her hands while surrounded by other books, looking at a spaceship flying into the air

Discover ExamShare

Past Goldmines

There is nothing new under the sun. Explore questions from earlier years and beyond, generously shared by individuals who have taken these exams before you, to enhance your exam preparation.

Boost Learning

Unlock the potential of collaborative learning. Share, discuss, and learn from others' answers to these past examination questions.

Help The Future

Following the example set by generous individuals who shared with you, assist future generations in their learning journey by sharing your own past examination questions. This simple act adds value to both the community and global education.

A young man sitting and extending his hands to assist a young girl who is falling on the ground and reaching out for help







Frequently Asked Questions

How can I view the past exam questions for my school?

To access past exam questions for your school, go to the past questions archive page and locate your school listed alphabetically. Click on your school, and you will be directed to a dedicated section displaying the available past questions for your school. From there, select the department, followed by the session, level, semester, and course to view the past questions. If there are no past questions available for your school, you will be redirected to a 404 error page.

How can I view and add my own answers to these past exam questions?

To access and contribute answers to past exam questions, you need an account with us. If you don't have one, please create an account. If you already have an account, simply log in. Remember, sharing wisdom and knowledge is valuable; there's no benefit in keeping it to yourself.

How can I share my own past exam questions?

Simply upload your past examination questions in the dedicated section. Share the wisdom!

Is the content verified?

Yes! Our enthusiastic team carefully reviews and curates each question for accuracy and relevance.

Are my contributions anonymous?

Absolutely! We value your privacy. You can choose to remain anonymous or take credit for your contributions.

How can I contribute to the development of ExamShare?

ExamShare is an open-source project, so its survival relies on your contributions, which are highly valued and appreciated. Please visit our ExamShare repository on GitHub, where the code is hosted live, and start contributing.

Join Now

Ready to explore a vast ocean of past exam questions from higher institutions to ace your exams and contribute your own for future generations? Don't wait any longer. Sign up and start learning like never before!